Chanelle's Heavenly Treasures

Author of “From My Heart To Your Soul”

Book Cover - Chanelle A Watson no spine copyOur Executive Chef and Dessert Connoisseur, Chanelle Watson, is also the published author of “From My Heart to Your Soul: A Collection of Poetry To Encourage, Inspire, & Awaken YOUR Spirit” (AVAILABLE NOW)

“From My Heart to Your Soul” was written to reflect Chanelle A. Watson’s life journey and the different places she has been and things she has witnessed. Each poem was written as a story, with an emotion she reveals, instances where she wanted to uncover topics that society hides, fail to mention or desensitize.

Her goal is that every reader of “From My Heart To Your Soul” relates to the poems, regardless of gender. Watson wants everyone to be inspired to follow their own dreams, or encourage someone else. Through each poem and the order they are placed in the book, Watson wanted a story to be told. There are seven poems geared to encouraging and inspiring and ten focused on awakening the Heart/Spirit. The number seven representing God’s perfect number and the number 10 symbolizing completion.

Chanelle A. Watson


“From My Heart to Your Soul: A Collection of Poetry To Encourage, Inspire, & Awaken YOUR Spirit”


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"The desserts you treasure in one heavenly bite providing the ULTIMATE DESSERT EXPERIENCE"