Archive for January, 2014
Chanelle’s Heavenly Treasures “Love Treasures”
At Chanelle’s Heavenly Treasures we pride ourselves on showing our clients how much we treasure them, now we are assisting our clients in showing their Loved Ones or Significant Other how much they are treasured. So let us help you ENHANCE your LOVED ONES or SIGNIFICANT OTHER’S Valentine’s Day with our “LOVE TREASURES”. From our ASSORTED […]
Choosing Wine for a Dinner Party
Q: When preparing for a dinner party how many bottles of wine should I buy? Should I pair the wine with the food I’m serving or to the taste of my guests? A: Normally one bottle of wine will serve 5 to 6 people with the glasses filled half way. During a dinner party where […]
Introducing CHT Connection
Do you have questions about baking, cooking, plating, presenting your food/desserts, etc? CHT Connection will give you the opportunity to interact with us and receive the answer to your dessert and culinary questions. Email any questions to and keep any eye out for the answer on our website and/or FB.